Today we talk canines, from the lens of one of my most favourite dog trainer and behaviourist Lee Charles Kelley (LCK)
So far, he and few other dog trainers are the ones who have debunked the 'dominance training' style. The major thing he advocates for is RESPECT; earn the dog's respect and the dog will be obedient.
So far, having studied Sigmund Froyd and other scientists, he is of the opinion that there is no such thing as alpha-dog/wolf in an ideal environment. This, I have seen myself: having lived with dogs all my life, I have noticed that 'dominance' rotates around the whole pack depending on the situation or resource available.
***Here is the blog article on dominance and anxiety.***
*my female GSD will be 'dominant' whenever the vet or someone new arrives, and will protect the guest from the more aggressive ones (the little spitzes!!!). She will also make decisions when any of the pack member whines during injections and will do anything to fight the vet!!
All other times, she is content patrolling the compound, hunting lizards or laying on the couch watching TV. Even during food time, she is composed and does not seek to growl at the rest.
*my female GSD will be 'dominant' whenever the vet or someone new arrives, and will protect the guest from the more aggressive ones (the little spitzes!!!). She will also make decisions when any of the pack member whines during injections and will do anything to fight the vet!!
All other times, she is content patrolling the compound, hunting lizards or laying on the couch watching TV. Even during food time, she is composed and does not seek to growl at the rest.
*the 5kg american Eskie Spitz will be the Don Corleone during treats,and will be very angry if any dog even sniffs his food, and is the one that decides if the new dog is welcome or not. Whenever a new dog is brought, the rest go on a barking frenzy, Teddy just calmly approaches the dog, sniffs. The new comer will let himself be inspected respectfully (!!!!), and Teddy will walk away and sit or lie down. Immediately, all the dogs stop barking and the "sniff the new comer" ritual starts, and in less than one hour, there is peace in the pack. Strangely, if Teddy rejects a dog or a person, they will never be accepted in the compound, and high tech supervision is required. Mind you Teddy is 5kg and lost a leg a year back when challenging a neighbour's GSD, something that still goes on today!!
*then we have two mutts, Simba and Gooch. These two are usually the most mischevious of the 'pack', and intelligent beyond measure. When they start something funny (like climbing over the kitchen window grills to get to the cat food), all the other six will follow. When they are content lying in the back yard, i usually expect no drama. Mind you, Simba is about 4 years old, and Gooch is still a 6 month old pup!! Yet they are the leading coordinators during adventures.
These three instances have debunked the dominance myth, for me that is. All the dogs are well aware of behaviours expected of them and are very obedient and loyal. These. behaviours I have observed while there is no human moderator, and they are alone as a pack.
I am not a dog trainer, but from reading, personal and experiments, a dog that does not see any value in you will not obey you. This i have observed even when we adopt older dogs (some 3 years old). Unless the dog sees value in you, the discipline measures (like time-outs) will never work. Surprisingly, this also works with cats, both adopted adults and kittens!! But that is just me...
There is a way to earn a dog's respect, and aggression or dominance is not one of them. You will have to be firm with them so that lines and boundaries are respected, and any trainer knows that patience, understanding and time are required, but never show the dog that they are threatened whenever they disobey.
(they call me the dog whisperer at home...title earned)
(they call me the dog whisperer at home...title earned)
Dog training is as complex as training humans, you have to consider the temperament, prey drive, what the dog loves and dislikes, and history (for older dogs), and the environment they live in. I never try to dominate them, I allow them to see me as a member, and their care taker.
Feel free to let me know what you think, and what you have experienced as a dog owner or trainer.
You can read more on what LCK thinks on dominance versus anxiety here.
Call/text/whatsapp +254725733412 for more queries and quotations regarding a vet, surgeon, breeder, vaccine, treatment and grooming, or you wish to adopt or buy a dog or cat...
You can also email me on mburu.njeri88@gmail.com if you have any more queries or comments
Call/text/whatsapp +254725733412 for more queries and quotations regarding a vet, surgeon, breeder, vaccine, treatment and grooming, or you wish to adopt or buy a dog or cat...
You can also email me on mburu.njeri88@gmail.com if you have any more queries or comments
This is Serenity.
Know your dog: German Shepherd Dog
Know your dog: The Golden Retriever
Know your dog: German Shepherd Dog
Know your dog: The Golden Retriever
Puppy Health: Canine Parvovirus
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