Wednesday 2 July 2014

Depression: Is it really genetic?

**Depression is deeper and more profound than a simple matter of disproportioned brain chemicals**

Depression is a mental condition that is usually a result of prolonged stress or trauma.
Despite being a general feeling of feeling blue, it is a condition that goes beyond the general sadness that we feel over time. It is not something that you make up in your head!!!
Depression is deeper and more profound than a simple matter of disproportioned brain chemicals

Major depression is a mood state that goes well beyond temporarily feeling
sad or blue. It is a serious medical illness that affects one’s thoughts, feelings,
behavior, mood and physical health. Depression is a life-long condition in
which periods of wellness alternate with recurrences of illness. (
Its mainly thought that depression runs in families and may be genetic. This is somehow true, since many depressed people have a relative suffering with depression or resultant conditions (fibromyalgia, schizophrenia, anorexia, bulimia, bi-polar syndrome etc)
A theory i have come to believe is that most of the depressive conditions are ingrained in our genes (much like asthma, other allergies or keratoconus). These conditions will normally skip some members and afflict others. But with mental depression illnesses, most of them usually have a trigger. Most depressed individuals i know usually have had traumatic events in childhood (like being orphaned or losing a parent or sibling, or even surviving a major medical problem that may have caused them a lot of sadness at the time.
Depression is treatable, but I doubt its curable. You can have a normal life when dealing with depression or the resulting conditions.
1. Never ever judge yourself, the world will do that for you. You are not psycho, or a loser ... you are just ill and you need medical help.
2. seek help, you need it. Do not be ashamed of it (you can start with me here, and we can link you with a network that will help you)
3. Never self medicate. Alcohol, weed or other physcotropics will work on short term, but may be addictive and then you will need help to get OFF them (trust me, i know).
4. Physical exercise is a must. Besides improving your health, exercise helps increase clarity of mind. Also, when you exercise, you feel accomplished when you are done with a routine. Don't over-do it. start small, then build up from there. The day you feel tired, do a small routine and take a break. Allow your body to recover.
5. Always have a friend who understands what you are going through and does not treat you like a looney or a weakling. (even business gurus have mentors who help them learn the ropes).
All in all, depression is a life long condition that should not cripple you in any way. There is always a way out, as long as you are alive.
Live life, live well, enjoy life!!
This is Serenity!!!

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  1. Replies
    1. am glad to be of help. Depression is often misunderstood on huge levels


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