Saturday, 6 December 2014

When You Believe....

When you believe...
♥♥♥It is one thing to ask in faith; and another to receive in faith...

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I remember the first time I was entrusted with the family car; I was beside myself in joy and excitement!! I always wanted this day to dawn!! I had gone for my driving classes, got my licence.. now I had the chance to drive the pick-up truck without a "chaperone"!! 

Problem was, I had no clue if I could survive the trip without a fender-bender!!
I had asked for the chance.. and now I had the key in my hand. The only way to know if I would survive my crazy town was to get in the car and drive to town..

※※Which brings me to my point...
I will use myself as an example (as usual!!!)
Often times, I have asked God for a couple of stuff in faith. I totally believed in the One I was confiding in, His ability to grace me but I had one problem...
I would sit and anxiously wait for my answers.. as if to see if my "request" got through. 

Right now, I wonder what it is that made me so..
※ I was not sure that I actually deserved what I asked for..
※ I undermined my own needs and so I imagined that God also saw them as petty...
※ I wasn't sure I was asking for the right thing or was I being vain...??

... I still prayed for them and surprise surprise!! My prayers were answered!!
Not once, not twice... all my prayers were answered by what I asked for or something even better!!!

**Life is a journey and in this trip, I keep on stumbling into little unseen truths about myself. **

I just realized that while I asked, I never stretched my hands to receive; as if it's a shameful thing to receive.
But then, my relationship with myself was also complicated. I was a paradox.. I believed in myself but then again, I wasn't so sure...

It wasn't until I had faith in myself that I started seeing gifts for what they were; gifts!!
Not crutches!!
Not little reminders of what I lacked; simply something extra to make life more blissful!!
I had to open up and accept what I had received of late wasn't out of pity or charity but out of love..
and then it dawned on me that I needed to apply the same with God.

I would ask for healing but feel so ashamed that I was ill in the first place...
I asked for peace but was too ashamed that I had got myself in that "predicament" that consumed my peace...
So, how could I receive when my hands were balled into fists of agony??!!

I had to let the hate go.. and love myself and allow it to flow....
It is one thing to ask, and another to receive...
You cannot receive when your hands are full or hidden. But then, you cannot wish away the fulfilled promise in front of your eyes..

The peek-a-boo game has had to end!!
I have decided that I will not anxiously hide my face then pop in to see if I have been blessed... I had the faith to ask.. I better have the faith to receive!!!

Faith without action is dead..※
As long as I have asked, I will make my next step in accordance with my plans, for He has gone ahead of me and straightened my path.
I have no business remaining in the same spot out of fear... I better keep my end of the deal and REMAIN faithful, and keep on moving..

God is good enough to answer our prayers.. He was good enough to sit and listen in the first place!!
Courage is the fear that has said its prayers- Anon 

This is Serenity!!



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