Today we look at the anabolic state, catabolic state and how they influence your weight.

The body faces a catabolic state during normal metabolic functions. This idea, opposed to an anabolic state, actually defines the breakdown of foods and nutrients so that they will later have the ability to build up and add to the muscle or tissue growth process.
Understanding Anabolism
The opposite of breaking down, defined as building up, serves as a perfect explanation of anabolism. The anabolic state acts as the complete opposite of the catabolic state, one that requires no energy to occur.
Through the initial catabolic process of breaking down larger food molecules into smaller energy sources, the body oxidizes these tiny chemical strands and uses most of the energy to drive anabolism forward.
Realistically, if humans were able to maintain a constant state of pure and healthy anabolism, everyone would have bulging muscle mass on every region of their bodies. Many professional sports athletes have used anabolic-inducing drugs or supplements that promote absorption of food energy and protein into muscle tissue.
In order for the body to encounter an anabolic state, it must consume a source of energy. Foods or supplements with helpful nutrients enable muscle tissue to receive said energy. However, when individuals do not consume enough food, a higher rate of catabolism will occur. This effect ultimately harms healthy muscle and body tissue after extended periods of time.
In extreme cases of self starvation, the body begins to deplete its essential and healthy fat deposits along with muscle tissue in order to survive.
The anabolic state helps people achieve their fitness goals. Not only does anabolism help muscle tissue grow and maintain a healthy state, bone density also has the ability to increase through the anabolic process.
In order to help the energy-needy areas within the human body, proper diet and exercise remain of high importance. Those who face more physical activity will generally need more energy in order to counteract the catabolic state. Some forms of exercise actually break down muscle tissue and release hormones that further act to deplete energy storage.
People who intend to lose weight, gain muscle or maintain a desirable physique all similarly benefit from consuming nutrient-dense foods before and after physical activity. This helps provide the body with energy which will eventually reach muscle tissue.
Understanding Catabolism
In the most basic written form, the catabolic process involves anything and everything that naturally occurs or induces the breakdown of larger molecules into several smaller building blocks. These separate parts eventually combine in a process known as anabolism, which greatly benefits muscle tissue growth. By defining the catabolic state within the human body, avid fitness enthusiasts have the ability to achieve their goals more easily. For example, by knowing that muscles actually endure a break down phase because of hormones released during each workout, you have the ability to counteract this phenomenon by consuming high-quality nutrient sources before, during or after your exercise sessions.
The catabolic process releases energy that works to help maintain proper muscle activity. The oxidation process that occurs during catabolism helps synthesize the necessary chemical building blocks that adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Multiple ATP molecules give cells the power to transfer more energy produced during the catabolic process to the anabolic process. In basic terms, catabolism acts as the sole energy provider for the proper preservation and growth in nearly all cell.
Aside from helping fuel the human body with energy that's necessary to grow and function, catabolism sometimes acts as a negative process that leads to adverse health effects. This does not occur often, but when the body has an extremely high rate of catabolism, as opposed to anabolism, muscle tissue and essential fat deposits found within the body become depleted.
For example, during rest, the body tends to recover and remain in an anabolic state. When the body does not properly rest for long periods of time, as in prolonged vigorous exercise, muscle tissue will continue to break down. Without proper nutritional intake, the natural process of tissue growth and repair will not take place.
Even though this does not sound particularly problematic, simply imagine remaining in a constant state of depletion. Quite literally, when the actual muscle tissue in the body endures lengthened stretches of the catabolic state, it eats away at itself in an attempt to find a source of stored energy.
Most people who live healthy lifestyles which include proper diet and exercise do not encounter catabolic problems. However, high levels of stress and hormone imbalances do trigger adverse effects that harm the natural balance between anabolism and catabolism.
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* Strength training: metabolic window
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* Key difference between fat loss and weight loss
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