Friday, 24 July 2015


Born to be free...
* Climb mountains, not for the world to see, but to see the world *

When you are free from your fears,
Free from worry,
It's like standing at the edge of a cliff, and below is a clear pool so blue and pristine.
You want to jump off the cliff into the pool and there is nothing stoping you.
You are thrilled.
You know there is nothing holding you back.
You stretch your hands outwards like an eagle spreading her wings..
And you take the leap of faith.
You know that at the bottom of the cliff is acomplishment.
You know that you will not get hurt.
You are sure that no matter what, you will get out unscathed but totally renewed..
You feel the wind, your eyes are closed..
Then you focus your sight and align your body..
And finally you pierce the water and break through beneath the surface..
The water is cool but it feels invigorating
The adrenaline powers your entire body and you swim through the water like a dolphin.
Then you rise to the surface and swim to the edge..
You look back and feel the entire experience all again.
And you smile.. You have done it and it feels good to accomplish a mission.
And now you cannot help but store that feeling deep in your soul..
Because one day you will need to remember this moment and face the challenges ahead.
As you power through life,
Adrenaline and faith propelling you..
That is when you realise that you have experienced the most elemental form of freedom.
Free from fear.
Free from guilt.
Free from negativity.
Free as God intended it to be..
This is Serenity...

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Saturday, 11 July 2015

Volcano: The Story of a Fire Queen

The Story of a Fire Queen
On the outside, her time seems past.
As she lies dormant only her past glory is visible,
Centuries old; yet they still reckon her deadly potential should she awake,..
Should she believe in herself and realize her potential, nothing can stop her!!
Some take advantage and dig into her ~ extracting all preciousness from her belly
"She is asleep..", they say.
They search for greener pastures as they exhaust and destroy her remaining beauty..
But the fire still burns.. The currents still move her..
Slowly she expands and flexes her muscles..
Then she gives subtle signs that are easily ignored..
Then she makes a move and signals the birds of the air, telling them to nest elsewhere...
The currents shift her.. And she dances to their tune; no warning ~ no music
Her moves shake the earth... They colour the sky...
She is awake;
New gown; new jewels
She rewrites her history
Those who thought her asleep rewrite their tragedies
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