Monday 13 October 2014


cir·cum·stance - noun
1. a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.
2. one's state of financial or material welfare

A few days ago I was reading about the destruction of Pompeii because of the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79AD
The eruption was so severe, about 16000 people died that day.
It is thought that the pyroclastic flows were so powerful, equal to about a hundred thousand times the energy produced by the Hiroshima nuclear bomb; and was capable of killing hundreds of people in fractions of seconds..

But that is not my focus - not the devastation caused by Mt Vesuvius... Its the ability to rise above your circumstances.

*unless the fight comes from within, it is hard to win the battle*

"Rise above your circumstances...." is a favourite song for many life coaches, friends, counsellors etc, when they genuinely don't have the exact words to comfort you in your current situation.. and its not their fault. Half the time i don't know how to comfort a friend..

But the terrible Mt Vesuvius taught me something.. rising above circumstances is never a "just-like-that" thing; you don't just "get over it"..
As I have learned, rising over your circumstances is a BIG DEAL!!!
You may not believe the stuff you will go through..

As from reading on Mt Vesuvius, sometimes it will take events of great magnitude and force and they may even threaten to kill you. As with the mountain, the environment changed and history was re-written, but the mountain stands till today, almost 2000 years later!!

So in retrospect, to rise above your circumstances, the events may shake you to the core but the end result is a magnificent feature to behold and a story to be told years later!! You will be a new person, bolder, stronger, wiser and everyone will see the end result and victory.

But as I said previously, you need a solid Rock (God!!) to be able to stand AND withstand...these circumstances!!!
Our circumstances will always differ; but to rise above them, we will all go through some sort of  "hell".
We will crack open, release hot pent up pressure, but once its done, we will be better, stronger and probably end up with rubies and diamonds in our hearts!!
So, do not hesitate to rise above your circumstances;
It will be rough but totally worth it and the best part is that God will be so proud of you and bless you more for the effort!!!
This is Serenity!!

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