Monday 9 June 2014


Many times, we settle our accounts, assess our wealth and take stock of our assets. But there is one major asset that we all ignore: The mind.
With intact minds we are able to live full lives. Will a little brilliance, we are able to innovate and raise our game and so increase our financial assets.
Lose your mind for one day, and you lose your life. Literally. When your sanity is in question, a lot in your life becomes questionable, even when you are very sure that your sanity is intact; depressed maybe but not senile.
With our ever-judging society, a little stress is enough to have you labelled, and some of your actions questioned. We all know the ... "..don't mess with her, she's undergoing a lot of stress and may download it on you..." (which is true, valid and proven, stress erases our best behaviours).
An unstable mind is a very horrible undoing. You lose the right to be yourself. You lose happiness. You lose power of attorney over your own wealth, and the wolves will eat you alive at that time. You lose the power to take care of your own loved ones. If someone goes to a court of law and establishes that you are of unstable mind, you lose whatever right or say you had over your own estate. It is that bad.
Repeated stressors can lead to a more lingering condition where the person is depressed. Stressors can include anything from physical injury, emotional stress, stressful family and work environments, wrong friends (yep..), disease, money and so much more.
Depression is sort of long term, but can be managed with or without medication. Depression is also thought to be genetically linked so it may "run" in families.
Long term and aggressive depression may finally catch up with your body and some chronic and lifelong conditions may spring up. These include, but are not limited to ;
- diabetes
- hypertension
- fibromyalgia
- schizophrenia
- peptic ulcers
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronic migraines
- other forms of functional dysautonomia
PLEASE NOTE; These conditions are not solely brought by stress and depression, but a history of chronic stress is a factor, and your doctor will tell you this.
There are many ways we can use to stave off stress, but life being life, we cannot entirely do this. Our minds and bodies are designed to cope in one way or another, and we are also required to put in a little effort. This includes;
- have a good relationship with God
- exercise
- surround yourself with positive people
- read positive literature
- strive to control yourself in stressful conditions
- have an outlet (sport/hobby/friends/journal); just don't let everything pile up.
- avoid negative environments and people
- avoid negative relationships (personal/financial/friendships..)
- if you are in negative environments and cannot leave yet, surround yourself with positivity (music/images/people)
- take time off and just relax
- NEVER PUNISH YOURSELF FOR MAKING DECISIONS WHICH SEEMED RIGHT even if they were wrong. We all make mistakes and will make them till we die.
- APPRECIATE YOURSELF; GOD LOVES YOU, thats a good starter...
All in all, take care of your mind. Whatever else your mind has helped you achieve, you will then enjoy it. 

Take care.
 This is Serenity!!!

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