Friday 5 September 2014

Learn to let go..

Psalms 127:1-5 The value of the Divine blessing. - Let us always look to God's providence. In all the affairs and business of a family we must depend upon His blessing.


It is said that God provides for those He loves while they are asleep... (Psalms 127:2)

I know what its like to wish back upon days long gone. When you spend today busy worrying about next year, you let today's joys fly by. Next year does come, and my goals are met; most of them anyway....
I could not complain; yet I did not feel fulfilled!! I celebrated only one event out of years lived!!! I lived through hundreds of days, yet I could only remember one; why?? 

Because I did not let go and live!!!
The verse above does not talk about reckless living; quite the contrary!!
We are not meant to be busy-bodies!!
To progress, you will get off that bum and do something!!
What King David meant when he wrote the psalm was that we should learn to invest ourselves wisely, and invest in the One who truly has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11-12).

I have been in business long enough to lose LOTS of money; and I mean A LOT!! But I was not reckless; I followed my business plan to the letter!! Same thing with life, you can do all things right but whatever can go wrong, will go wrong (Murphy's law). This however should not be the end of you.
Life has its own funny way of rebuilding us. Just like volcanoes, sometimes it will take great destructions for new mountains to rise. We will be shaken, cracked open, a great deal of hot pain and pent-up energy will gush out of us and those around us will witness it all. In the end, there will be a new feature in us that is remarkable!!

Imagine the magnificent Mt. Kenya; how many eruptions did it take to make it that high?
Now imagine yourself as that magnificent mountain; all that you have been through in life! Yet you still stand, and those around you are seeing it for themselves! You are a mountain, a magnificent creation of great adversity!!
But the mountain cannot rise without the solid foundation of the earth; you cannot rise until you allow yourself to be firmly anchored in the Rock that never falls. If you place your faith in your hands, you cannot rise beyond your imagination. You can achieve something, granted you have worked for it, but you cannot truly rise to great heights. Like I mentioned earlier (self appreciation) God has great plans for all of us; and for your information, most of His plans involves us achieving the DESIRES of our hearts (provided they are noble). Letting God take control then means that you can actually have the confidence to PLAN AHEAD and HAVE GOALS!!

I learned to let go the day my goals started fulfilling my life. Many may not have seen what the celebration was all about but I was happy and learned to look forward to the next day. Even where I did not succeed, I was grateful for the opportunity to try.

I may not be the poster-kid of success, but I can walk with my chin high because I have risen. I am not where I was last year; I am stronger, wiser, more resilient and got zero-chills for nonsense (previously, I feared people and confrontations; now, I don't like them, but I will not let anyone ruin my day because they can!!). I actually feel like a mountain. And, I am sure, the next time there is a great eruption in my life, I will be shaken and burnt but I will rise higher!! I am no longer afraid to stand out. I now desire to share the heights with other mountains. I have read about them, and have observed them and I know that I should not let the next eruption destroy me. But I can only do this if I can have confidence in God, and I should allow that confidence to spill over to the other aspects of my life.

Just like the eagle, let go of the branch, spread your wings and allow the currents and turbulence to lift you higher and higher until the world is under you!!

Now, I do not 'wait' for God to start blessing me. I just look at my life, the people and the experiences, and I acknowledge that I am ALREADY blessed!! This gives me more faith to lean on Him, and less on my own understanding. He will continue blessing and establishing me.

Just like success, life is not a destination, but a journey. When you sit and wait for that ideal moment where you can toast and give thanks, you will miss out on life itself. You will toast one moment, and spend 99 moments reliving the days you let pass you by, wishing they could just rewind themselves.

Allow God to provide for you. Do not sit there like a duck and wait for manna, or cash, or well wishers. 

Allow your spirit to flourish because you are God's child. Allow your mind to think and innovate because you are God's masterpiece. 

Finally, allow yourself to make decisions that are good for you and those around you because you are a co-creator on this earth.

Just don't allow yourself to gain the world, then start wishing you could trade it all for just one moment of peace and happiness.

This is Serenity!!
Because Life is Beautiful,,,


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