Monday 22 September 2014

Conditioning of the mind:

Garbage in - Garbage out...

※ “The Chinese symbol for the word “crisis” is written using two strokes of a pen. One stroke stands for danger, and the other for opportunity. In a crisis, beware of the danger, but also recognize the opportunity.” - John F Kennedy ※


One day I was watching a clip on National Geographic Wild; a lioness had spotted a lone wildebeest calf and the lioness knew it was her lucky day!! A soft scrumptious snack to energize her to kill the larger buffaloes later. She stalked the poor calf, cornered it and moved in for the kill.
As with all content cats, she decided to play with her prey before killing it, then a miracle happened....

The poor calf, frightened, started to head-butt the lioness... then the lioness settled and started grooming the calf and pampering it...
The calf, in self defence, was accidentally sending an affectionate message to the she gets from her cubs...head-butting!!!
All cats head-butt each other (and other animals) as a sign of affection. The harder and more frequent the head-butting and muzzling... the more love displayed!! As the calf was being groomed, he would instinctively  aggressively head-butt the lioness (being tiny, there was not much force to injure the lioness), but the only message she got was the same she would get from her cubs after a hard day of hunting ... "I love you Mommy!!"

After a while, the mother wildebeest approached the duo, and the lioness let the little calf go after a heavy dose of grooming and pampering!!! I was amazed!!

Two different languages ... one result: LIFE!!!
This brings my attention to all the violence going on in the world, and in our very own homes!! What is it that our children learn from us?
How can a child in the affected middle East know love after seeing his whole family massacred because of an ethnic divide .. then expect this child to peacefully abide with his neighbours?
How can a man expect his beloved daughter to conquer the  world because she has what it takes, yet she continuously witnesses her mother being belittled by the same father ... and then you expect her to settle and SUBMIT to another man? 

What if history repeats itself?
"Not in my life...", she will say (hence the generation of "strong-willed" women)
The nerds coined it well.. Garbage in - Garbage out!!
I am not yet a parent but I have been a child. I have struggled with the concept of "Do as I say, not as I do..", sadly from 90% of adults around me, from teachers, relatives, parents, "mentors" etc.
We are all familiar with that scolding phrase "Why can't you be like so and so..."
If they only knew "so and so's" true colours!!!

A mango tree with a low self esteem cannot produce plums... A mango tree on a bad day cannot change the principle that God put into it to produce after its kind.

God knew what kind of spirit to install when He made you.. and it is all for good and not evil. So, where is all this evil coming from?

Conditioning of the mind... The concept where something wrong is introduced to you subtly and for a long while, to the extent that the mind and spirit finds it acceptable.
If some things were introduced to us all at once (say, intolerance of other ethnicities), we would automatically reject it because it is NOT for the human spirit to hate without reason.

But what happens when we continuously make it clear that the "outsiders" are our enemies, even though we live with them and even study together? We tolerate them but subconsciously segregate them and the moment one of them does something silly, the discrimination comes out without much provocation. Sadly, this issue spans across all the human "divides" from religion, ethnicities, nationalities and even gender!!!

As much as we preach peace and sing how "We are one", what is it that our children are learning from us?
Because peace exists in all of us... ever wonder how nurseries and day care facilities have so much harmony despite the clutter?? There are no divides. 

If you have a problem with certain people, please keep that opinion away from the children... they don't need that nonsense in their lives; they have too much to learn and negativity is a waste of their precious intellect!!
We are one; please show it to our children!!

This is Serenity!!
Life is Beautiful!!!


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